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Her new bedroom rules #shorts #sacconejolys

The same goes for activated charcoal, or a few drops of vanilla on a cloth. Baking soda is good for a whole month, so can be used continually, not just for cleaning for a move. If you're washing textured walls, use a nylon sock to do so it means you won't leave fluff in your wake and always wash walls from the bottom up to avoid streaking, applying any cleaning solution you're using (once tested to ensure paint, or wallpaper fastness) in small patches whilst you're cleaning. Get rid of any papers that you don't need (though keep all important documentation) - consider donating any magazines, books, old toys or clothes in good condition to a local charity - or sell them on Ebay or similar, to make some cash. These donations and sales make mental and space sense - you're not wasting perfectly good items you will probably never use again, and you could sell the really good condition items in a variety of places. If the move is in relation to a family separation, it s important to include them in the process where at all possible, and ensure their voices are heard when picking a house. Often you can research amenities, such as local shops, schools, leisure areas and more online, which may ease the burden of investigating all of that personally. From collecting supplies - buying boxes and tape, to packing your house up, cleaning and moving to your new home, its an adventure for all involved. Small and home offices are also usually quite interesting to move - a new area for local clients and a nightmare for people that run services online, so its important to plan accordingly and ensure that you've made plans to cover yourself during the move. Houses are considered to be easiest to sell when they are clean, tidy, free of clutter, and the walls are neutrally toned - some sites and experts suggest painting your walls white, others suggest that you should paint them with pale, neutral, matching colors. If this isn't possible, it is important to make sure your walls are clean - removing clutter and cleaning woodwork and painted walls, can give your room a much needed lift. The company you eventually choose to move you will want to come out and inspect your home, to work out what they will be moving, and to provide you with a quotation, so you may want to de-clutter before they arrive - they will take an inventory, in some cases, with you and decide what your quotation will be. 

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