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Rental Contracts When renting a house, you have to consider your own rights and needs before signing that lease. Leases protect tenants and landlords rights alike - these rights are laid out fully in any lease you sign. Leases are considered legal contracts, so its important you know what you're signing and what you're giving up. Everything should be in place for you by now if not, you should follow up on any loose ends that will affect your first days in your new house as soon as possible. At two days to go, if you haven't got a van with power points, you'll need to start defrosting your freezer. Easier said than done, but it saves you having to clean up water in the van, or worse, damaging your boxes and bags because your freezer has leaked. There are also more and more 'complete' package companies springing up, designed especially professionals - allowing them to move to their job, without the hassle of it all. These companies do it all - from finding a suitable house within your price range and requirements, to packing you and moving you in. Mailing redirects are a great way to make sure you don't lose your mail without having to remember or track your mailings you should always confirm with the post office depot in question what this redirection service covers and whether its available to you. They will be able to advise you on how best to take care of this, and probably advise you of anything that can't be redirected, such as parcel deliveries from third party delivery companies. Booking a Removal Company When booking a removal company, its important to do so as far in advance of your move date as possible - removal firms who do all of the packing and moving for you expect to be able to come out and assess your belongings, for insurance and van/person ell cover. It s important to de-clutter, or have a guesstimate of how much you'll have de-cluttered before you move so that they can give you an accurate quote. A 400 mile move MAY end up costing you the same as renting a van in the UK a move out of the country may be cost prohibitive, and it may be easier just to sell everything and start fresh when you get there. A long move such as over several hundred miles may also change schooling arrangements, or your job uprooting over a distance of hundreds of miles can lead to new opportunities or the loss better ones back where you were so you have to carefully evaluate what you want from your life, and whether it would be best served by moving to a whole new part of the world. 

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