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Walls should be painted off white, or antique white or possibly very pale and pastel shades if you're planning on redecorating you may have no option if your walls are stained, marked or damaged. Its also a good time to ensure that everything that you've been meaning to repair is taken care of is actually done a faulty stair tread, banister or fence in the garden may only be a minor annoyance to you, but can be a danger to anyone looking at the house. You may also want to start making a list of any items you'll need when you move to your new house anything you've ran out of or will use before the move, so that you can buy more once you're in your new house. You should also consider, if possible, cleaning any rooms you're not going to use much. Give them a through scrubbing it will save you having to do it (or hire someone to do it) on the last few days before your move. By far and away, the most awkward items to move are computer monitors and TV are the hardest to move unless you've kept their boxes, you'll find it very difficult to either fit them into a box that you have acquired, or find that you need the boxes for other things. These can be wrapped in sheets or dust covers and placed, with padding around them, in the van once the boxes are in. After de-cluttering thoroughly, packing any books, and out of season clothes, you can start deciding on a packing schedule. Your packing schedule should take into account any redecorating or repairs you want to undertake - and should also allow for anything you need to use. These essentials should be packed over the last day, so don't leave out too much - or you'll find it very difficult to finish packing in time. It means you're not living out of boxes for the duration of your packing, and it also means that you'll be able to store those boxes. Get rid of your children's old clothes and toys BEFORE you pack - its easy to pack around small children, harder to sneak their favorite outgrown things into the bin whilst they aren't looking. In these cases, you should make the most of the change, and unpack as much as you can. After a month or two, your life will be back into its work/life/sleep pattern so consider any break from it, if you can, a holiday of sorts. Once your utilities are all reconnected, you may find you have less time to unpack, so its good to get as much of it out of the way as possible. 

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