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NEW House ! Elsa and Anna toddlers are moving - unpacking - Surprises

If you're painting any rooms, its a good idea to try to do so in the next few days, so its all ready, and order any packing supplies you want or need. Ordering as far in advance is important because you'll have the supplies on hand. You can start investigating schools in your new area and list any questions you may want to ask. This also goes for moving, if you're allowing a firm to pack and move you. Packing firms may also need plenty of warning to be booked, so ensure you investigate this fully before committing to booking them with a month of time. You may need to book them sooner., or may have a little leeway. Booking at one month in advance (or more) also means its easier to collect and decide, impartially on the quotes you collected in the previous weeks. Easier said than done, but it saves you having to clean up water in the van, or worse, damaging your boxes and bags because your freezer has leaked. Any food you're using now should be as minimal prep as possible, so that you can pack any tins, cans, pots and pans you have left over. Final checks with your utilities should also be made hopefully, you'll have managed to either transfer or connect a new phone number at your new house, so you can start updating contact details. They will be able to advise you on how best to take care of this, and probably advise you of anything that can't be redirected, such as parcel deliveries from third party delivery companies. You should never redirect your major bills, such as your bank statements, credit card statements, notices of payments from people or anything that can be used as ID with the increase of identity theft on the rise, its important to consider what you're going to be leaving behind when moving. Your appliances should be checked and cleaned with seven days to go you should possibly consider not buying frozen goods at all over the next week, unless you're sure that they won't defrost during the move. Wastage is easily avoided and you can use up all of the items in your freezer without needing to buy more. Large photos, framed items and paintings other wall based items are easiest wrapped in bubble-wrap and then placed carefully in a safe place they'll need to be monitored carefully when moving, as anything falling against them could cause serious damage, tear or break them. By far and away, the most awkward items to move are computer monitors and TV are the hardest to move unless you've kept their boxes, you'll find it very difficult to either fit them into a box that you have acquired, or find that you need the boxes for other things. 

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