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You'll want to keep a couple of boxes, or bags spare and on hand so that you can catch anything that you've missed, that's been knocked into a corner, or essentials that you've kept out for the move the latter should be marked clearly so that you can find them at the other end. Keeping your kettle, mugs, coffee, tea, toiletries and baby supplies (if you've got a small child) separate from your packed belongings might be a good idea, as is keeping any essential work, moving, utility or ID documents in a safe place during your move. Moving back to one, or both families guarantees that your life will probably be filled with help or interference, depending on how you view your family's input either way, its worth it, once you find clear and consistent boundaries. The move itself should be planned the same way as you would any other move but remember, the more you're moving, the more petrol you'll need. If you're letting, your landlord should also give you contact details, emergency repair numbers and any paperwork pertaining to these emergency repairs that you may need. You may also want to get bank details or arrange a good time to come and collect rent. Any final paperwork can be signed now, and then you can start making your new place your own. From moving a few doors down, to across a continent, moving house is one of the most important things, and sometimes the hardest to organize. From collecting supplies - buying boxes and tape, to packing your house up, cleaning and moving to your new home, its an adventure for all involved. Small and home offices are also usually quite interesting to move - a new area for local clients and a nightmare for people that run services online, so its important to plan accordingly and ensure that you've made plans to cover yourself during the move. They can clean your house, after your belongings are packed and have professional methods for removing stains, marks and other tricky marks on walls, doors and carpets. Even if you're moving yourself, you may need to hire a professional cleaning firm to fulfill your contract with your landlord. At one month to go you should also start investigating utilities and other things that will transfer with you - moving is a good time to take advantage of any offers that you might get with your phone, electricity, Internet or gas. The last week of packing is everything you have left with an eye to ensuring that you'll be able to live out of as few boxes as possible and seal the rest. By now, you'll probably find that you've got a lot of boxes stacked in several rooms and will be sick of the whole moving process. But in just over a week you'll be in your new home, unpacking. 

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