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Reasons I regret moving to Florida:

Booking a Removal Company When booking a removal company, its important to do so as far in advance of your move date as possible - removal firms who do all of the packing and moving for you expect to be able to come out and assess your belongings, for insurance and van/person ell cover. It s important to de-clutter, or have a guesstimate of how much you'll have de-cluttered before you move so that they can give you an accurate quote. Some people do that whilst planning to move, others move out and leave their house for a landlord or landlady - others still move from one housing association house to another. It s important to also remember that you will NOT want to pack your whole house in a week, given the choice. Packing is dull for most people - it takes a lot of time that you might want to spend elsewhere. Empty one room at a time, and ensure the cupboards (if they are walk in) are also empty once its done, sweep, mop or vacuum, and do one final pickup then close the door. Make it clear to the others helping you that sealed rooms are finished with, so that people aren't trailing dirt into rooms that are finished and clean. Deciding on what's unimportant and can be packed first is a good place to start. After de-cluttering thoroughly, packing any books, and out of season clothes, you can start deciding on a packing schedule. Your packing schedule should take into account any redecorating or repairs you want to undertake - and should also allow for anything you need to use. Booking your Van Unless you're moving a very short distance and can do many hops in your own transport - or if you're moving with a group of people (such as in the Military), or your family has access to a suitable van, its important to book your van as far in advance as possible, to allow you to ensure that you get your van. Its perfectly acceptable not to unpack everything in the first few days if you've moved to a new area, you may want to (or need to) explore and familiarize yourself with any public transport, local facilities, or shops in the area. You'll need to go out and buy at least the basics saving the 'big shop' until you've unpacked your kitchen. 

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