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Rotating & Moving the Belleview Biltmore Hotel - Timelapse

These donations and sales make mental and space sense - you're not wasting perfectly good items you will probably never use again, and you could sell the really good condition items in a variety of places. You could hold a yard sale, or garage or even a car boot sale - or if you have enough time, auction them online, either via a recognized site, or through your own website, if you have the know how - getting rid of the things you don't need is both very freeing and releasing, and can actually generate you some extra money for the move. Moving home, though stressful can be a very rewarding experience, but its important to keep several things in mind when moving. These can include the welfare and comfort of your children, the support structure you'll have when you move (are you moving nearer your family, further away from your family? Many people appreciate personalized notices that their friends and family have moved so you should send out the last of those items now. You may also want to consider a 'house cooling' party use paper plates and disposable cups and make an adventure of it you could even talk your family and friends into some last minute packing/painting help. They will be able to advise you on how best to take care of this, and probably advise you of anything that can't be redirected, such as parcel deliveries from third party delivery companies. You should never redirect your major bills, such as your bank statements, credit card statements, notices of payments from people or anything that can be used as ID with the increase of identity theft on the rise, its important to consider what you're going to be leaving behind when moving. You may also need some basic information on the amount of items you want to move, the sizes of your bulky items, and whether you'll be moving into a house that's up stairs or an elevator - and what access you have, as some companies charge premiums for this if you're using their team to move. Access includes whether its a long way to your front door, or if parking is readily available, or conversely, difficult. Clear out your biggest cupboards first - you can store boxes and other packed items in there - and those cupboards may just be full of clutter too - once you've cleared the cupboards, sweep and wipe down the surfaces and then use those cleared spaces for the boxes you're not using now and won't use until after your move. 

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