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OUR MOVING DAY! Moving into our first house | Moving vlog 🤍

Some removal firms also supply them if you're using their vans, or their moving men, or provide them if you are letting them pack for you. Packing clothes into suitcases or bags means that they are easy to transport, and easy to fit into spare spaces in your transport, but you need to make sure that the bags or cases are sturdy enough to contain your belongings well. 3) Whilst packing, it s important to maximize space - and pack your biggest objects first, and fill space around them. Books are easiest to pack, odd shaped, awkward items such as ornaments and other items are the worst to pack, and both types should go in boxes, as should dishes and other objects that are considered fragile. These companies do it all - from finding a suitable house within your price range and requirements, to packing you and moving you in. Some even unpack at the other end for you. You'll need to check any company out thoroughly before hiring them - each company should be vetted to your satisfaction, with viable references, if possible. If you're de-cluttering, you can also begin packing whilst doing so, but considering some houses sell up to three months before you're planning on moving OR up to a year after you've moved, its also important not to plan to sell straight away, unless your house is in a highly sought after area, and you've got a good, competitive price. Long distance moves are harder on families who are used to supporting one another you'll often find that your phone bill increases and that you'll have more problems adjusting if you're moving away from familial support if you're moving TO your family though, you can be sure that things may get easier if a little nutty. Small and home offices are also usually quite interesting to move - a new area for local clients and a nightmare for people that run services online, so its important to plan accordingly and ensure that you've made plans to cover yourself during the move. Your small office may be the last thing you actually pack fully, but you can start by cleaning through your paperwork and ensuring everything you've got has storage - if you run a craft business or have a hobby that takes up space, its always good practice, as soon as you've heard you'll be moving, to start clearing and boxing up your non essential supplies. 

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