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You may also want to avoid tanning beds, although manufacturers claim that tanning beds are free of UVB rays, they still use ultraviolet radiation that could also be harmful to the skin. Never ever consider applying sunscreen on your exposed skin to be wasteful, since the cost of getting skin disease costs much more than several tubes of sunscreen. We cannot deny the fact that skin, especially the one that gets exposed to the sun, wind and water is subjected to dirt and other conditions that exposes the skin to dirt and oxidation, that leads to dryness and oxidation. There are varying skin types ranging from oily to dry skin and one may be able to tell which skin type he or she has. Basic Skin Care Type That Everybody Should Know About With the thousands of skin care products clogging the market, choosing one that is appropriate for you can be mighty frustrating. With different ingredients and formulas, one can never know for sure what kind of product your skin longs for. Although one can never really know for sure unless you try the products yourself, one of the things that can narrow down the search for the perfect skin care product is the skin care type. Below are some tips that can help you in your search for the skin care professional that will not only help you care for your skin but will also help you take care of your whole body and well-being. 1. Go to reputable hospitals Most hospitals will have sections or departments that deal with the skin. Make sure that it has soft bristles; otherwise, you will end up irritating the skin. Brush in circular movements to also help in the circulation of the skin. This process however can only be done in certain parts of the body. Sensitive areas like the face may only be irritated. 2. Use fruits and veggies Clich as it is, fruits and vegetables really do have properties that help in keeping the skin healthy. Do not put make-up as much as possible. If you don t have to put on make-up, don t do it. This is because make-up or any additional chemicals that you put on your skin can cause breakouts on your skin. It is better that you make it natural so as to let the skin breathe. 4. Minimize scratching or even touching your face. 

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