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Norland College Tutorial - Nappy Changing

On the other hand, receivers are being carried around the house or place somewhere that is accessible to the mother or whoever it is designated to keep watch of the baby. Usually, the transmitter is plugged into a socket from its stationary position while the receiver is battery operated since it could be brought anywhere. Parents, especially busy parents, install these devices so that they may be able to observe and tend to the needs of their baby if they are located in a different place at home. But another very useful function of baby monitors is during sleeping hours. This best applies to a setup wherein the baby stays in a room separate from the parents. Of course, you also need to factor in the cost of buying a baby monitor. The high-end versions can cost as much as $300 dollars or more. These mobile baby monitors normally feature a video monitoring option that allows parents to keep a closer eye on their babies. Then again, if you prefer the cheaper variety to the pricey ones, be prepared to shell out around $40 to $90 for the radio models. Always remember to choose those with features that would fit the type of work that you do in order to make it easier for you to look out for the child. Also, the family budget in choosing a monitor must also come in mind. If you are decided on getting the best and if you have the means to splurge on high-end monitors, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The greater the distance of the monitor from the child, then there is also a greater reduction to the amount of exposure to radiation. Most manufacturing companies nowadays have also been improving their products to make them less health threatening. In conclusion, parents can always have the option for opting to the hi-tech digital baby monitors especially because its many benefits, but if fear for the safety of the child is still present, always remember that there are precautions that one can follow to minimize risks. The majority of baby monitors designed for people who have hearing impairments are equipped with a vibrating alarm and/or a flashing light system. These added features alert the deaf parent every time the baby is in need of attention. A number of products on the market also offer other means of alerting deaf parents to the cries of their infants. 

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