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Small tarantula had WAY TOO MANY BABIES !!! ~ I underestimated her.

Yet, things are not that simple since a mere exposure to the venom of this spider can trigger a whole range of very unpleasant reactions. As it seldom happens for a person to suffer from a brown recluse spider bite, many doctors have difficulties in diagnosing certain symptoms that accompany it, very often such a bite can be even taken for a staphylococcus skin infection that is very similar in manifestation and symptoms. Though the color specific to the species is brown, there are yellow and black varieties too, nevertheless, these color patterns are not a general characteristic of the brown recluse spider. The color variety may be absent, just as the violin marking can be hardly visible. Nevertheless, there is one other element that clearly makes the recognition of the brown recluse spider possible. Most bites occur when one accidentally stick their hands into such secluded areas and corners or when the spider gets pressed against the skin. Wearing some rubber gloves when cleaning up around the house will help you avoid being exposed to a direct contact with the brown widow spider. The hourglass mark specific to all widow spiders colored in yellow or orange remains a distinguishable characteristic on the bottom of the abdomen. The huntsman spider is easy to be taken for a tarantula, but it is harmless to humans; it never bites unless provoked, and the wound is superficial and healing in just a couple of days. The size of the huntsman spider may seem impressive, as it has no less than three centimeters in leg-span. The legs of the huntsman spider are actually the characteristic element for the species: rather than having them attached vertically to the body, they are twisted, with a crab-like appearance. Knowledge of the various features comes from direct contact and experience shared in the community; thus a parent will teach his or her child how to recognize and avoid poisonous spiders. A bite exposes the victim to a whole series of unpleasant symptoms that require immediate medical intervention. Nevertheless, extreme attitudes towards poisonous spiders give rise to phobias and the urge to destroy their nests even in the wild. The easy way to distinguish between males and females is not just body size, but also the length of the articulated feet. One other peculiarity of the camel spiders consists in the presence of several pairs of eyes grouped on various body parts. Thus, they may look more like spiders, but the visual accuracy is considered superior by many researchers. 

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