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The next thirty six hours are crucial for the evolution of the condition, since it is now that a deterioration or an improvement may occur; generally speaking, the ulcer and the necrosis will only appear within a few days if the health status does not improve. Once the venom has got into the system, there is a whole range of symptoms that accompany the brown recluse spider bite: vomiting, nausea, fever and muscular or joint pain have been among the most frequently reported. For such cases spider identification is not necessary; but we cannot say the same thing about the widow spiders that require the immediate use of an anti-venom. Therefore, spider identification can be crucial when you need to be able to apply the right treatment without any further delay. Spiders that live outdoors are more difficult to identify due to the large number of species both harmful and venomous. One other thing you can do is to put some ice or cold water on the bite in order to reduce the discomfort and alleviate the pain. You should be concerned when the symptoms do no improve within 24 hours and there is numbness or increase in pain. The greatest risk of a spider bite is anaphylaxis: the allergic reaction to spider venom that is sometimes encountered with very sensitive people. The Harmless Domestic Spider The hobo spider, also known as the funnel web spider, the hobo spider is a harmless species that lives both in Europe and on the North American continent. The specificity of the hobo spider is related to the way it weaves its web: the funnel-shaped nest is the perfect structure to wait for prey in. Yet, we should nevertheless mention the fact that research on none of these treatments has been conclusive enough to be established as a general remedy for the brown recluse spider bites. In the majority of cases the wound is likely to heal without any medical intervention whatsoever, however, the exception appears in the cases when the venom spreads in a blood vessel. The whole purpose of weaving a web or creating a maze of threads is to make the perfect trap for catching prey; yet, the brown recluse spider does not consider that enough. The males are likely to leave their nest and go hunt somewhere else, while the females will not go far from the web. Their favorite hunting moment is the night, when there are less chances of being disturbed, threatened or exposed to the dangers of the outside world. 

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