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Potty Training Song And More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs | Baby Ronnie Rhymes | Healthy Habits Songs

The potty training chair may have the same old function yet it may come in various shapes and sizes. A first type of potty chair that is simply functional is the inflatable one. It is great to use whatever the location is and it can be one of the best solutions especially if the parents and the child are traveling. I mean in the beginning just give the child stickers for things like successfully putting his doll or teddy bear on the potty. Then continue with the child himself sitting on the potty and doing the thing. In the potty training chart method you have to make sure the child understands what the sticker he/she receives is for. In case punishments and pressure are applied to the kid, then what will naturally happen is more accidents and you will attract the child s attention to something that is not so important. If the accident is treated only as something natural or casual and you keep insisting more on the use of the potty, success will come faster your way. In case you choose not to buy special books for teaching your child how to potty train, all it takes is to become a little creative and use these potty training clip art forms to attract and motivate your child. Potty training clip art can take the form of simple drawings or pictures that you can show the child when you want to introduce the concept of the potty or that of the toilet and what can be done with it. If the doll is in the centre of the attention throughout this party, the child will understand that using the potty is a very good thing for which you can be rewarded. The next step in potty training in one day is to do away with the diapers. Just like the doll wears big children underwear, so should your kid. Stores, specialists in the field as well as individuals have designed various potty training charts to suit different age groups, styles and preferences, gender, etc. Thus, there are potty training charts especially designed for boys and for girls. The difference in potty training charts is made through different colors or different patterns and drawings. 

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