Weight loss For all its boring features, running is very effective in allowing a person to burn an average of 100 calories for every run mile. Biking and walking, on the other hand, only burn a fraction of these calories in the same amount of time. While we burn around 2000 to 5000 calories every day doing nothing, running 5 miles a day burns an additional 500 calories. Especially if you are untrained, running a distance may make you an easy target for injuries. Run/walk program, which includes alternate walking and running for a particular time, is ideal for starters. As you progress week by week, you can increase the time for running and decrease the time for walking. Prior to starting running and other exercise programs, it would be appropriate to drop by your doctor s clinic. Try to do so more especially if you are suffering from heart problems, obesity, breathing problems, and chronic fatigue. Your doctor could advise you on how to get proper pacing and could guide you on how long you should keep running per session. However, runner s diet and proper nutrition are two of the most overlooked aspects of running that many runners, novices most especially, feel powerless and fatigued every time they run. When running, runners burn calories, or energy, and to be able to fuel their running, they need to replace the lost calories adequately. This starves your system for oxygen and forces the heart to beat faster. After a time, the body learns to compensate for the lack of oxygen so that when this technique is not in use, your body is already more efficient in processing your breathed air. This is demonstrated in swimming. Swimmers do alternate breathing which is breathing every third stroke. Never try to do any running right away if you have not run at all in your life, or worse, have not done any form of exercise, either. Depending on your age and your present physical condition, it can be harmful and downright dangerous. First, get a professional opinion on your present physical health condition before starting out any physical activity, including running.
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