To take the monotony out of your training, make sure to run different routes from time to time, run at different paces in a single session, and run at different paces on given days. The thing is, because running is most likely the same each day, you need to make it a little more exciting, something you always want to look forward to. The choice itself, the thought, and the actual preparations and the competition proper are enough factors to keep you busy (training) and motivated (prestige and awards) enough. Other runners are motivated by setting bigger goals to their training (if competing) or in just plain running. They set up faster times, or longer distances as their next goals. Other sports need some very expensive sets of equipments (golf, rock climbing), while others need an organization for one to be able to join (basketball, football). Footwear The most important piece of equipment for a runner is a good pair of running sneakers. Quality is important because it avoids injuries and gives comfort while running. Sometime later, you will notice that your weight stays as is, unable to lose a single pound. One way to resolve this is to vary the distance, length or intensity of your running. You may increase the length to about 3 to 4 miles, or lengthening the time each day, or perhaps running at a faster pace. Doing this can challenge the muscles anew. That way, the trainer would have credibility when talking about regimens and exercise strategies. However, some experts argue that the basis on physical appearance of personal trainers is insufficient. There are good-looking and muscled personal trainers who have attained the body structure from good genes or the intake of steroids. Taking the following, in the right amount and at the right time, will do the job. Carbohydrates A normal diet should consist of 40% carbohydrates. For runners, however, the number should be anywhere from 60 to 65%, the reason being, carbohydrates are a good source of energy. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose and are then stored as glycogen.
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