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One other peculiarity of the camel spiders consists in the presence of several pairs of eyes grouped on various body parts. Thus, they may look more like spiders, but the visual accuracy is considered superior by many researchers. Camel spiders are more likely to hunt at night; they are nocturnal creatures that enjoy shady environment even if they mainly live in warm and arid climates. The result of such a bite is known as loxoscelism, and it may appear in cutaneous and system manifestations. On a regular basis there should be no necrosis associated with a brown recluse spider bite, yet, some people are exposed to systemic reactions. The most risky of situtations have been registered in the case of children under seven, who have been bitten by this insect; an equally high risk is present with people that have a very fragile immune system. Though the color specific to the species is brown, there are yellow and black varieties too, nevertheless, these color patterns are not a general characteristic of the brown recluse spider. The color variety may be absent, just as the violin marking can be hardly visible. Nevertheless, there is one other element that clearly makes the recognition of the brown recluse spider possible. The hobo spider is easy to recognize by the mixture of brown and rust shades; the species also carries another distinguishing mark: a herringbone pattern present on the superior side of the abdomen. Unlike other related species, the hobo spider isn't hairy; though the legs of these creatures are very strong and large, they are also very smooth. Camel Spider Lots of scary stories and myths about the camel spider often give people the creeps: the word goes that this species can eat out flesh portions after injecting a form of anesthetic in the victim's body, not to mention that its dimensions are truly impressive. The truth is somewhere in between: the camel spider lives in the Middle East countries, and it has become known in the United States and the rest of world after US troops have come across some specimens. The bite of the brown widow spider is pretty painful, causing a lot of trouble to the victim, yet, it is not even by far as serious or as toxic as that of the black widow. There is a paradox related to the qualities of the brown widow spider venom: when compared to that of the black widow it is twice as potent. 

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