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Casually Explained: Stand-up Comedy

Alternative comedians can be very rebellious as they tend to readily utilize techniques that pertain to breaking social taboos. They can be very specific when it comes to sexual jokes and bad language. Swearing on stage is a common component of the act mixed with observational humour that lingers around sex acts and sexuality. Public speakers address the audience, whereas standup comedians make viewers laugh. When you learn standup comedy, it would be ideal if you would also learn about the usual mistakes new standup comedians and public speakers commit. Strive hard not to commit these mistakes on your own. Standup comedians believe laughter could be invoked only through a good written material. You just need to embrace several new concepts, which could go against ineffective and antiquated joke writing strategies that are common today. It would help if you would look at several conventional and useless strategies that some people use when they learn standup comedy. It would be beneficial if you would take note and practice the better strategies for such obsolete techniques. Although the place is a good practice field for people like you who are dreaming to become famous, there are many other people who have the same dream and they also frequent places where they can get the chance to perform. It is like entering a dungeon once you are in, there is no turning back. You should be prepared to be hurt emotionally even when you only intended to make people laugh. Effective punchlines are often placed strategically at the end of sentences. As you write your standup comedy material, remember to put the punchline of a joke at the end or near the end of a sentence or paragraph. You should not put it at the beginning. To illustrate, take this example: A catechist asked his 6-year old pupils why people make it a point to stay quiet while in the church. It would not help if you would not be able to read your own handwriting especially when nervousness is taking your control. On the performance itself, try not to appear as if you are reading everything from your cue card. It would be better if you would not have any of those cards in your hand, but because it is your first time, it would be at your advantage if you have them. 

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