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Stuttering Fact!

Psychogenic Disorder Scientists explain that some forms of stammering originate from the brain s activities such as reasoning and thought. This type of stammering is called psychogenic disorder. Compared to other forms of stammering discussed earlier, the psychogenic origin rarely affects people s speech. It also involves trouble starting to speak a word, phrase or sentence. Other symptoms of stuttering include trembling of the jaw or lips, quick and repetitive blinking of the eyes, and tightness or tension of the face and upper part of the body. If your son or daughter suffers from these symptoms, it may be a sign that your kid has failed to outgrow that speech difficulty. Fluency Shaping Therapy This therapy uses proper articulation, breathing, and relaxation techniques to train a person to speak fluently. When you undergo fluency shaping therapy, you will learn how to speak correctly and reduce stammering by breathing with your diaphragm, slowly increasing the tension in your vocal cord as you start speaking, prolonging vowels to slow down your rate of speaking, and lessening the pressure on your articulation. There are also physical manifestations like too much blinking of the eyes, jaw jerking and involuntary movements of certain body parts without intending to do such. Treatment If the condition is only mild, you must learn how to handle it on your own. It will help if you are going to find out what s causing the problem. Meanwhile, the intriguing sub-grouping of Van Riper described four tracks in the development of shuttering. The model of fluent speech production presents two important points in understanding the categories of stuttering. First, stuttering shows a failure in temporal processing. Second, stuttering shows an imbalance between the capacities of the fluency generating system and demands of the environment. This stage teaches patients with slow motion speech with attention given to precise prolongation of natural speed production and the use of pauses. Records have shown that frequency of stuttering have substantial reduction in most patients. Aside from introduction and practice, the fourth week now employs the pull-outs devised by Van Riper. 

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