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The Beginner's Guide to Truffles

To bring out the flavour of the truffle more, limit the quantity to 8-10 grams of truffle per person. Shave or slice the fungi using the truffle shaver. If you peeled the mushroom, keep it. You could use it in other recipes. Preserved truffles do not have the same level of flavour as the fresh one. To enhance it, you could add truffle infused oil or paste on the recipe. So far, truffles are used only in the culinary field as main ingredient to various dishes or as flavoring and garnishes to different specialties. The most common gourmet edible truffles that are being used in various restaurants include the French Black Truffles, the Italian White Truffles, the Chinese Truffles, and the Summer Truffles. They are also said to reduce the risks of cancer and heart diseases. Mushrooms are healthy food. They are low in calories but contain high amount of vegetable protein, chitin, iron, zinc, fiber, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Calcium, minerals, vitamins B and C are commonly found in several mushrooms. Their alluring aroma stirs a sensual feeling, so it s little wonder that truffles are regarded as the culinary counterpart of sex. That strong and earthy truffle smell casts its magic spell, making this mushroom irresistible to truffle fans. Such an appeal may seem strange especially to those who have never seen a truffle in their entire life. If you re going to take a pig with you for some truffle hunting adventure in the forest, be very careful because the pig might devour the truffles even before you can take one. Some truffle hunters use a staff to make the pig back off once it finds a truffle. 3. Know that laws the govern truffle collection in your area You can t just head over to the forest and go on with your truffle collection adventure without knowing first if it is allowed in your area. Not only does it make you pay less for a lighter pack of truffles, but it also allows you to see what you are actually buying. Check the truffles for softness and firmness. Truffles with soft spots tend to have worms in them. Avoid buying such truffles. Also, don t buy truffles that are rubbery, slimy, or spongy. 

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