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Quick Clip Three: AHA Workplace Safety Training Initiative

In the office, provide them personal protective equipment on top of engineering solutions that can ensure their health and safety. Genuinely care for your employees. If you see them only as persons whom you need for production, you need to rethink. Employees need genuine care from their employers. It is also from this attitude where sincere efforts to maintain safety in the office stem from. The idea is when leaders like supervisors and middle managers are called to attend a seminar; interruptions must be totally discouraged except on matters that are absolutely needed. This means that everything must be set aside and the calendar vacated in favor of the seminar because when it is not, there are supervisors and managers that will actually encourage calls to create an impression of importance thus negating the value of the training because of continuous interruption and the competing for attention. - All areas in the workplace premises should have sufficient lighting. Manual handling This term covers any activity or work that requires the use of the hands such as moving, carrying, lowering, pushing, restraining, holding, pulling, and lifting. Around a third of all accidents in the workplace are due to any of these actions. - Seek the advice of a trusted friend or professional in the workplace in handling this type of situation. There is a good chance that many other people in the office has similar experiences and have dealt with bullies before. - Crying, sulking, being intimidated, and feeling bad about the self are the bullies' purpose. Fortunately, every business owner can manage the safety of their employees in the same way they manage every other aspect of their business. Having said that, the following areas should serve as the foundation of a comprehensive safety system for every organization: Management Commitment Safety begins from the top management. Implementation of safety procedures and methods has to be diligently observed and enforced until it becomes second nature to workers. Use Signs There are several signs each with a different purpose but are directed towards promoting safety. Directional signs, posters, mandatory signs, prohibitions signs etc. 

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