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Cattle Breeds From Different Countries

Beef cattle is raised not just for meat, but also for other purposes. For example, the insides of the cattle are used as an ingredient for cosmetic and hair care products, while the hides are used as materials of leather products such as shoes and bags. Because of their versatility, beef cows are considered a profitable livestock option for enterprising individuals. An example is the Office of Environmental Public Health of the Oregon Public Health Division which suggested measures to be taken in disposing dead animal corpses especially during flood recover. One major reason maybe is the hygiene concerns for all livestock production operations of both large and small livestock farms and slaughter houses. Meat, egg, poultry, and dairy products are now given Certified Humane Raised and Handled labels to ensure consumers and animal rights advocates that livestock raising adheres to objective, precise, and humane standards. To be able to obtain the Certified Humane label on livestock products, processors and producers are required to: 1) provide appropriate nutrition to animals as well as access to fresh, clean water all the time; 2) refrain from using livestock feeds that contain artificial hormones and antibiotics that abnormally speed growth; 3) take proper disease prevention actions; 4) provide spacious shelter to animals; and 5) comply with American Meat Institute Standards especially for slaughtering. People in that era have later managed to roam from place to place tracking and hunting animals for food as well as plants. And several thousand years ago, people began to housebreak different kinds of livestock. Livestock are domestic animals that are used to produced foods and many other important products. Horses have been highly regarded as animals; thus, the measures in raising them are far better and more tedious than the methods in raising cattle, sheep, and other livestock animals. Horses have different needs than other animals. Their shelters should be appropriately constructed, they should be fed with the right mix of food, and they should be given ample space to move around. Be reminded that animals are naturally more sensitive to high frequency noise compared to humans. Livestock and other farm animals could even hear high-pitched noise that is not usually detected and sensed by human ears. For instance, sheep and cattle have auditory sensitivity of about 7,000 Hz to 8,000 Hz compared to human hearing sensitivity of just about 1,000 Hz to 3,000 Hz. 

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