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Though the color specific to the species is brown, there are yellow and black varieties too, nevertheless, these color patterns are not a general characteristic of the brown recluse spider. The color variety may be absent, just as the violin marking can be hardly visible. Nevertheless, there is one other element that clearly makes the recognition of the brown recluse spider possible. The local symptoms associated with a spider bite include pain, itching, redness and even swelling of the area; their intensity can be reduced if a tight bandage is applied above the wound. This precaution measure is only valid in case the spider bite is located at the level of the arms or legs. One other thing you can do is to put some ice or cold water on the bite in order to reduce the discomfort and alleviate the pain. It is actually very likely to take a skin infection with a staphylococcus for a brown recluse spider bite, hence it is good to know that such injuries are rare and accidental. Brown recluse spiders are small, with an overall adult size that does not go beyond twelve millimeters; males are small then females, but they have slightly larger feet. You can only be exposed to a hobo spider bite in case you accidentally crush one; the bite is pretty painful due to the toxicity of the hobo spider venom. The hobo spider is easy to recognize by the mixture of brown and rust shades; the species also carries another distinguishing mark: a herringbone pattern present on the superior side of the abdomen. Surprisingly enough, the death risk is a lot lower with this species; the explanation for this queer fact lies in the shy nature of the brown widow spider that injects venom timidly unlike the black widow. One common way to detect the presence of the brown widow spider is by identifying its egg sac. This is a peculiarity of the species, completely different from that of other widow spiders. There is plenty of room to make the silk lines for their burrow: these threads help the spiders catch their prey, but they also make a great warning means that signal danger or the presence of mates. Warmth and humidity make the perfect habitat for the funnel web spider, nevertheless, they also suffer from heavy rains that destroy their burrows. 

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