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UNBOXING my New Pet Spiders [Prison Addition] | Kfrogtv

The hobo spider is often found in homes or in their vicinity and though the general reputation of the species is that of high aggressiveness, these creatures are very unlikely to attack a human being. You can only be exposed to a hobo spider bite in case you accidentally crush one; the bite is pretty painful due to the toxicity of the hobo spider venom. They have no venom, and they simply kill their prey by cutting it, which, as a matter of fact, makes them less dangerous than many spiders and scorpions. The bite of camel spiders represents no great threat to the general health condition, unless it gets infected. The only variety of venomous camel spiders grows in India, but research is pretty scarce in the field. The only distinct element of the male funnel web spider is a swelling on the second leg and the spinnerets located at the end of the abdomen. The female funnel web spider lives very isolated, it remains in the burrow for almost its entire life; males are the ones that go out to hunt and find mates particularly in summer and autumn months. Nevertheless, besides this self-treatment you should also seek professional medical health since brown recluse spider bites are not to be taken lightly. Other measures meant to improve the victim's condition include the elevation or the immobilization of the body part if the bite has been made on one of the limbs. In some parts of the world it is mistaken for the brown recluse spider that is highly venomous, but for the knowledgeable eye the absence of the violin shape of the brown recluse species speaks for itself. The largest wolf spider will not be more than two inches in length, but on a common basis their size is variable and lower. All spiders need to inject venom in order to survive, it is in the nature of their species and one of the life mechanisms they have been endowed with; what really differs from one species to another and gives rise to the classification into poisonous and non-poisonous is the amount of venom and its toxicity. 

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