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Spider Learns To Ask For High-Fives | The Dodo Little But Fierce

Brown recluse spiders are not dangerous or aggressive; the only cases of bites occur when these creatures somehow get tangled in clothes, towels or even bed sheets. It is actually very likely to take a skin infection with a staphylococcus for a brown recluse spider bite, hence it is good to know that such injuries are rare and accidental. The huntsman spider is easy to be taken for a tarantula, but it is harmless to humans; it never bites unless provoked, and the wound is superficial and healing in just a couple of days. The size of the huntsman spider may seem impressive, as it has no less than three centimeters in leg-span. The legs of the huntsman spider are actually the characteristic element for the species: rather than having them attached vertically to the body, they are twisted, with a crab-like appearance. Hobo spiders definitely do not deserve the label of aggressiveness, and presently, there are trends of opinion among scientists related to the real danger of this species for humans: there are some who actually claim that hobo spiders are no threat to humans. The only time when hobo spiders are really dangerous is when they are laying their eggs, particularly if they see you as a threat to their future siblings. There are even some camel spider species with a more special habitat: they live in forests and in grassland. The unusual fact about these creatures is that they have a very large body and well developed sense organs similar to the insects' antennae. One other peculiarity of the camel spider is that it makes a rattling noise when moving around, which makes it all the more scary at a first glance. Though the generic name of the funnel web spider is used most of the time, it includes no less than thirty-six species that live both on land and in trees. The favorite habitat of the funnel web spider consists of the moist area under rocks, crevices, rotten trees, holes and tree bark. For the funnel web spider varieties that live in gardens, shrubs are the perfect place to make their nests. The favorite pray of trapdoor spiders includes grasshoppers, moths, crickets, but they don't back off when it comes to having small birds and scorpions for their meals too. The size of trapdoor spiders is not larger than three centimeters for the body, with the females clearly dominating the males in this respect. 

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