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The most hailed scholar and physicist, Albert Einstein, alluded to spirituality through these words: "The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious - the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science." This brings us to the two things that he mentioned - art and science. Nonetheless, everyone is an eternal spark in the universe. Once conceived, we are staying for eternity. In all creation, man alone was created in the image of his Creator, man alone has been bestowed all the graces and the opportunities that would have made the least among us grateful. We are so very special even angels envy us. It will not only help the person to understand better the experience that they were going through but will help to understand and accept what was happening to their partner. By understanding and accepting, it means that there is a divine awakening happening between them, which are better because it would be a big help for the couple to save the relationship than to get it completely crushed. Finally, the fourth one resides in the spirit. In this model, the physician ensures that all these four levels are put under careful scrutiny, and he applies his knowledge of modern medicine and spiritual science in their treatment both in separate levels and as a whole. AM physicians use diagnostic tools, but also rely on intuition and understanding of the patient's psyche and overall personality. So color in itself is just an illusion, and we can't really tell that red or blue is an absolute truth when describing specific objects. And knowing that our mind is limited by the interpretations of the human brain, we will need to do away with the mind while trying to attempt this exercise. You need to look at the mind like a casual observer, and treat it as something that is separate from our selves. He founded the movement of Anthroposopy, and postulated a belief system that integrates the material world to the spiritual world. This integration is focused on spiritual sustenance that an individual can achieve in interacting with the physical plane through the gaining of wisdom and knowledge, with the conscious effort of being an advocate of love, humanism and the general well being of mankind. 

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