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Stuttering Foundation PSA

The mind-body-spirit medical philosophy is also known as alternative medicine or holistic medicine because clinicians look into the totality of the person including his mind and body to understand the dynamics that may induce or cause the illness and not just the symptoms. The underpinning principle for such technique is that human organisms naturally yearn for balance and wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Lastly, the final week involves no exercise anymore. It is more of reviewing the sequence of therapy and instructs the patients to work their way backwards. In addition, the therapists further explain the sources of relapse and discuss specific characteristics of a life of a person who stutter. In a recent survey, this stuttering modification process has been successful so far in many patients. Experiments showed that thioridaxine and trifluoperazine reduce the severity of stuttering but not the frequency. Meanwhile, haloperidol is the most effective drug that improves stuttering symptoms as of to date but seldom prescribed because of its adverse effects such as dizziness. Because of the popular theory of fear and anxiety as probable cause of stuttering, many experts have prescribed the use of sedatives and tranquilizers. This program is based on the premised that stutterers use processes for the production speech different from the normal fluent speakers. Thus, the program includes steps in which stutterers relearn the speech production process. Exercises include learning to vibrate their vocal folds in an effortless manner, thus training them to monitor words and speech sounds. Seventh is the span of time the therapy process will take. Is it short term or it has follow-up program to assist the stutterer in the process of change? Lastly, has the clinician provided several opportunities for his patients to express their experiences before the therapy, during and after the therapy? Stuttering occurs normally in children during their speech development years. However, if you re an adult and you still stutter, then you ve got to do something about it before your life becomes a total disaster. In medical parlance, people stutter when their natural flow of speech is hampered by repetitions of syllables, sounds, or words. 

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