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4 exercises to reduce stuttering at home

Even if these therapies will work at the beginning, the results and improvements won t be permanent. There are other basic things that you ought to know about this condition to understand the concept better. Stuttering doesn t occur as a result of emotional and psychological dilemma. You have to help your child cope with the condition by not interfering with what they are saying. If you don t know anyone, you must try to research about similar cases because the results will give you good leads as to the right people that you can consult about the matter. Normal Phase This is a phase that everybody goes through as part of speech development. This situation is actually referred to as psuedostuttering or dysfluency, which is only normal and must not raise warning signals. On the other hand, if you often stutter and cannot express yourself clearly when you speak, people see you as an incompetent and weak person. Between the two kinds of speakers, which would you rather be? Of course, anyone would choose to be a fluent speaker. However, as much as you would like to be flawless when you speak, there are times when anxiety and nervousness get the better of you. These therapies vary from what kind of program fits the characteristic of the patient. One of these therapies is called generating fluent speech. A comprehensive speech processing approach that aims to guide people who stutter to develop a speech processing similar with normal fluent speakers. Developed by Barbara Dahm, it is a therapeutic program for stuttering developed at Communication Therapy Institute in Israel. The first things you must focus on are recognizing and accepting your speech problem. Then think about all your talents and positive attributes. In doing so, you will have a better perception of yourself. You will be less self-conscious as a result. This positive thinking will greatly help you deal with stress that causes your stammering. Undergoing therapy can cost you money, but it can help you get results after several sessions. Finally, having more self-confidence greatly improves the way you speak and lessens your stuttering. What does confidence have to do with your speaking abilities? Well, many people stutter a lot whenever they are very nervous or anxious. 

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