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Cure for stuttering?

If you are finding it hard to speak, try to practice by singing your words. There are some singers who do not sound well during interviews, but you won t notice anything that is wrong with them while singing. This will be a good exercise and as you go about it, you should also try to practice other steps to make it easier for you to say what you want to. Most people who stutter experience variations in the level of their speech problem. There are times when they stutter frequently, while at other times, they stutter just a bit. In children, there are times when stammering seem to disappear on its own, but it goes back later on a more severe level. About 80 percent of toddlers who stutter will eventually outgrow their speech disfluency. It also aimed at making the patients fully understand their speech production system so that they can self-correct their errors. After this program, patients are expected to be confident speakers whatever situations they may face. The exercises are not intended to teach fluency but train the stutterers to detach from the result of the activity of speaking. Though it is still a working progress, the eligibility of a patient to undergo such program includes many factors such as normal intelligence, recognition of the stuttering problem, current motivation to eliminate the stutter, the absence of a deep or broad "genetic tree" of stuttering, report of a history of fluent communication experiences before stuttering problem to name a few. The next step is to practice the following Yoga postures and breathing techniques to make you feel more relaxed: Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) Progressive relaxation techniques and meditation Suksham Vyayama (a relaxing breathing exercise) Concentrating on breathing to make it easier for you to deal with stressful thoughts Positive attitude for better self-esteem and self-image Bhastrika and Nadi Shodhana that help solve breathing problems Simhasana (lion pose) Without a doubt, yoga is an effective way to heal stuttering. After your child has completed the sentence, say it again in a slow manner to let him or her know that you understood the message. Speak to your child in a moderate pace. This will train your child to speak calmly instead of hurrying to say things. In addition, pay attention to what your child has to say. 

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