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What do the 3 types of stuttering sound like?

If your son or daughter suffers from these symptoms, it may be a sign that your kid has failed to outgrow that speech difficulty. When should you bring your child to a specialist? For children between two to five years old, it is normal for them to stutter as they develop their speaking abilities. That will go away on its own. Another example is the Idehara Stutter-Cure, consisting of a retainer-like metal forms and a whistle to encourage continuous airflow when speaking. Another type of devise provides visual and production to help stutterers identify and change their speech production as part of their therapies. These devices target different physiological processes. These drugs include SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) such as Zoloft and Prozac. Ritalin, a dopamine agonist, is not recommended as well for stutterers. Stammering Modification Therapy This treatment method does not aim to stop a person s stammering altogether, simply because it is impossible. Stutterers also add a particular word or sound to his or her sentence in place of the word that s stuck in their tongue. The other symptoms of speech disfluency manifest themselves when a person attempts to control his or her stammering. Several movements of the body can be noticed while a stutterer is speaking. This tool can replay the words of the child after a brief delay. It is able to copy the choral effect, while decreasing and can completely eliminate the speech defect. Even if these therapies will work at the beginning, the results and improvements won t be permanent. There are other basic things that you ought to know about this condition to understand the concept better. There are some people who only stutter at certain conditions, like when they have to speak in front of a large group or they need to present something very important to their bosses. There are also those who can t say how they feel to people important to them or they get tongue-tied when they are already faced with the people they admire. 

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