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#e285 Preview: School-Age Stuttering Therapy: Practical Activities

During diagnosis, the speech pathologist will ask you about the history of the speech condition, particularly when it started and under what situations. After asking other relevant questions, the speech pathologist will perform a full assessment of the speech and language abilities of your child. Various treatment methods are available for children with speech difficulty. In doing so, you will have a better perception of yourself. You will be less self-conscious as a result. This positive thinking will greatly help you deal with stress that causes your stammering. The next step is to practice the following Yoga postures and breathing techniques to make you feel more relaxed: Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) Progressive relaxation techniques and meditation Suksham Vyayama (a relaxing breathing exercise) Concentrating on breathing to make it easier for you to deal with stressful thoughts Positive attitude for better self-esteem and self-image Bhastrika and Nadi Shodhana that help solve breathing problems Simhasana (lion pose) Without a doubt, yoga is an effective way to heal stuttering. The following are the symptoms every parent should watch out: Frequent repetition of a certain syllable (e.g. Mom, I want some cho-cho-cho chocolates. ) Tendency to pronounce particular sounds in a lengthy way (e.g. Ccccccan I wwwwatch TV? ) Substitution of vowels when repeating certain syllables. (e. These genetic abnormalities are combined with motor control deficits, learned behaviours, and psychological deficits as combined cause of stuttering. Following these theories, still several pharmaceutical agents are invented to cure the disorder. Examples of agents based on these etiological theories are antipsychotics, neuroleptics, and sedatives and tranquilizers. Though it is still a working progress, the eligibility of a patient to undergo such program includes many factors such as normal intelligence, recognition of the stuttering problem, current motivation to eliminate the stutter, the absence of a deep or broad "genetic tree" of stuttering, report of a history of fluent communication experiences before stuttering problem to name a few. There is another field that says stuttering is a homogenous disorder but this is yet to be disputed. It says that stutterers suffer from one underlying problem. Nevertheless, popular theories are based on heterogeneity of the disorder. One theorist has argued that since there no measurement and causes of fluency, it is harder to define the causes of abnormality. 

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