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Stop stuttering and speak fluent: 5-day course in USA

Therapy can help a lot in keeping developmental stammering from getting in the way of a child s normal day-to-day life. Stammering in children is usually treated through informing parents on the best ways to adjust or control their children s speaking environment. That way, the episodes of stammering will be minimized. A few symptoms are more difficult to see than the physical symptoms of stammering. These symptoms involve the emotions, which can be recognized by the stutterer himself. The worst among all symptoms of stammering include fear of the condition itself, inability to express oneself clearly, and avoidance of situations in which a person has to speak. Other sessions might include dialoguing or forgiveness. The sessions are designed to dispel negative feelings and thoughts that has been stored over the years. This is because negative energies pose threat to therapeutic progress. The next stage is designed to create a healthy belief system through indoctrination of new and positive thoughts and feelings. However, because of technology, the use of video-conferencing may supplement the lack of treatment in several cases. This process may provide opportunities for therapeutic treatment for people with proximity problems. It will also enable people who stutter to interact with other people from different locations or countries. Even before the time of Christ, famous Greek orator and stutterer Demosthenes practiced orating with pebbles in his mouth, sometimes with loud background noise, or while climbing steep hills. Several types of assistive and anti-stuttering devices serve different purposes. One type of anti stuttering devices forces the stutterer to change mechanically his speech production pattern. Experiments showed that thioridaxine and trifluoperazine reduce the severity of stuttering but not the frequency. Meanwhile, haloperidol is the most effective drug that improves stuttering symptoms as of to date but seldom prescribed because of its adverse effects such as dizziness. Because of the popular theory of fear and anxiety as probable cause of stuttering, many experts have prescribed the use of sedatives and tranquilizers. 

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