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Safety Gears A novice surfer should never attempt the waves if you don t have your safety surfing gears with you. If you're going to be surfing on the ocean or where tides can bring you out to sea in a matter of minutes then you need to bring a floatation device or wear a floatation vest to keep your head out of the water in case you are wiped out from your board. Double Check Your Gears That's right; no surfer should venture out to sea and challenge the waves without first taking care of their equipment. First, you need to see if you're board is in perfect condition -- waxed and properly maintained so you won't have to worry about problems later on while you're skimming through the waves. The best choice is to pick a resort or a hotel that is near your surfspot so you won't have to travel far just to challenge the swells. Since you won't be spending all your holiday time on the beach and skimming through the waves then it is also best to consider other recreational and entertainment venues to get the most out of your vacation. Novice surfers are so excited with the idea of cruising the waves that they tend to forget to arm themselves with the basic skills and preparations to avoid getting into trouble when out in the water. The best way to avoid accidents due to your inexperience is to enroll in surfing lessons first before heading out into the swells. The second step is to enroll in a surfing school for a step-by-step lesson to the sport. However, if you don t have the time to enroll in a surfing class then here is a simple guide to teach you the basics from scratch while learning it on your own. Step 1: Get Into the Surfing Lifestyle The best way to learn surfing on your own is to first start by getting into the lifestyle. In most cases, windsurfing can be considered as a laid-back version of surfing since windsurfers don't have to wait for huge waves just to perform their feats. Many consider the attached sail rigging a big limitation to the tricks you can perform as well as to the flexibility of your movement; however, expert windsurfers are known to perform amazing feats with their gears even without the help of a humungous wave. 

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