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🍄 How To Make Infinite Truffles: The Best Truffle TEKs (Edible Mycology with Sage!) 🍄

Truffles that have been stocked for a long time gradually lose their strong smell. Also, go for truffles that are well-textured, evenly shaped, blemish-free, and firm. Pick ingredients that go well with the truffles without diminishing their strong flavor. In a truffle recipe, avoid using ingredients with very strong flavor or pungent smell as they might upstage the truffles. If you want to freeze the truffles, you can keep them in olive oil before doing that. Make sure that the truffles are 100% covered in oil. This storage method will prevent freezer burn and capture the aroma of the truffle into the oil, hence the truffle aroma. Never slice, shave, or grate the truffles until you are ready to use them as ingredient for your dishes. gibbosum found in the Pacific Northwest, from British Columbia to northern California and usually grow from February to June. - the Oregon brown truffle or the Leucangium brunneum which has an exterior with reddish-brown color along with a grayish mottled interior. It is used in dishes and specialties requiring garlicky flavor and aroma. This is considered as a delicacy to so many people in various parts of the world because these are so hard to found. Since these are rare, they are so precious and usually found in dishes served at high end gourmet restaurants. Truffles belong to wild mushrooms that are hard to find and makes it one of the most expensive fungi in the world. When storing truffles in the refrigerator, avoid keeping them in plastic containers because they need air. Keep them in paper bags. You could also place them inside jars and store them in the freezer. You could also infuse the truffles in oil to preserve them. When cooking with truffles, there are several guidelines in order to enhance or heighten the flavour. As the name suggests, this truffle is harvested in winter months from October through December. The winter white truffle is best known for its garlic-like flavor and musky smell. This truffle is not really white in color; it is actually yellowish. Winter black truffle - Native in European countries like France, Italy, and Spain, the winter black truffle is typically harvested between November and March. 

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