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The Intense Logistics of Truffles

When cooking with truffles, there are several guidelines in order to enhance or heighten the flavour. Keep the flavour of the truffle as the center of the dish. Do not overwhelm it with food with strong flavours. Fats like butter, oil and even cheese could bring out the flavour of the mushroom. To bring out the flavour of the truffle more, limit the quantity to 8-10 grams of truffle per person. When dried, it has only about two to eight percent of fat which are mostly crude fat and lipid compounds such as fatty acids, sterols, phospholipids, glycerides and linoleic acid. 4. It is cholesterol free. This is probably the biggest health benefit of truffles. Through the years, cholesterol has been considered as of the risk factors of coronary heart conditions and other related diseases. Upon September to November, the black truffles would turn into dark grey or black with white veins. This is a sign that the truffles are mature enough to harvest and to eat. Summer truffles are best purchased from June to November. Winter truffles during November to February, White truffles during October to December Oregon truffles from mid-December until the middle of March. Before you eat a mushroom you have unearthed somewhere, consult an expert first if it is indeed safe to eat. Here are some varieties of truffles which are very much popular: Oregon white truffle this truffle is firm and could even be brittle. It is white when still young and would develop an orange-brown color as it matures. Their strong flavor and aromatic smell makes them ideal as flavor enhancer rather than as main ingredient in a dish. Cooking truffles is a big no-no, as it ruins the truffles natural flavor. Exceptions are foie gras and p t s. Instead, you slice or shave them over risotto, soups, sauces, pasta, and even plain scrambled eggs. For example, truffle hunters have to take a test and get license first before they can collect truffles. If you illegally hunt for truffles, you can get arrested. 4. Look for clues indicating truffle presence Trees - As much as truffles don t grow in every forest, they also don t grow in every tree. So it s rather unwise to scour every tree for truffles because you ll just waste your time. 

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