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Dr. Ellen Gendler on Why You Should Put Estrogen On Your Face

While a woman is entering the menopausal period the level of Estrogen is affected. This is a kind of hormone that plays a very important role in the female reproductive system. Thus, if the level of this hormone reduces there is a tendency that a woman will suffer from various disorders. Estrogen cream helps the woman in maintaining a healthy hormone balance especially during the period of menopausal and even beyond. Along side these issues were countless questions that continue to bewilder many people, one of the most frequently asked question regarding estrogen is how much is too much. Does this compound, which has been proven to have medical benefits cause adverse effect when taken beyond adequate amount? According to the recent findings of Women s Health Initiative in 2004, the daily-recommended intake of estrogen is highly dependent on the preparation used and to the brand name of the chosen estrogen alternative. It increases the threat of uterus cancer 2. It increases the threat of breast cancer especially when used for over 10 years. 3. It can be very dangerous for women who are more prone to blood clotting. 4. It can give headaches or migraines 5. It increases the threat for endometrial cancer 6. It can destroy the liver With all these advantages and disadvantages presented, it all depends to the person if she wants to have the therapy. This makes her susceptible to the side effects of the estrogen in her body. In this way, it can cause hair follicles to reduce in number and it can be the start of hair loss. The hair loss will stop once the hormones of the woman return to its normal state. Since hair loss is sometimes temporary in most women, it can be cured with shampoos that are intended to revert hair loss. Old age can be one of the reasons why women experience irregular estrogen production. Usually, when women reach old age, their body can no longer produce normal estrogen, which may lead to some bothering body malfunctions. Most of the women develop body irregularities due to inadequate production of estrogen. This is usually done in order to avoid possible discomfort and health problem brought by the imbalance estrogen hormone in the system of a woman. The therapy is classified into short-term and long term relief. The short term relief usually lasts for one or two years. On the other hand, there is no exact duration for a long term relief because as long as the patient needs cure in order to lessen the risk, she will be recommended for a thorough treatment. 

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