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Estrogen and Progesterone - What You Need To Know

If you maintain a safe level of estrogen in your body, it will help in the maintenance of proper blood flow; it also controls the cholesterol level and functions as an antioxidant of the body that filters harmful chemicals found in the body. With lower estrogen, the ovaries will produce minimum numbers of eggs as well. Natural estrogen level also helps in the prevention of osteoporosis. There are certain components of estrogen that helps in bone formation and bone nourishing as well. Scientists have proven that women who have normal estrogen level in the body are less likely to suffer from osteoporosis. Breast cancer is also prevented by having natural estrogen level in the body. However, if a man has many estrogen and progesterone in his body, he may have the identifying characteristics of women. Men who have these hormones in huge amount appear to have bigger than normal male breasts, smaller body mass and some other sexual characteristics of women. Thus, it is important that estrogen and progesterone are of least amount in a male s body. But do not dare to apply the patch more than the prescribed because it can cause some side effects. Most often, instead of treating you, it can worsen the condition. The doctor will determine if the use of Estrogen patch will be safe for you. They will advise you to undergo a check up first before you will be given the prescription. Because of this, many women are recommended to take estrogen to reduce menopause symptoms. While many women are benefited by estrogen during or after menopause, some are found at greater risk for particular diseases if they take it. As researches give more information about estrogen, it may help pinpoint the reasons should those persons take it or not. As the menopausal stage occurs, it is usually characterized by a full year without menstrual period and the level of estrogen in the body gradually goes down. Decrease in egg production, low level of sexual desires, lower bone density and muscle firmness as well as skin integrity follows. As the estrogen production starts to diminish in the menopausal period, this marks the transgression of the human cycle. 

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