Carbohydrates The primary fuel for exercising muscles and for high-intensity exercises are carbohydrates. The athlete s body needs around 50 to 65% carbohydrates in his food intake to support training. Lacking enough carbohydrates causes the body to under-perform and cannot burn fats as effectively as it should during workouts. Losing weight is all about burning more calories than you consume. Therefore, there is something to be said about watching what you eat. Remember that to lose a pound, you need to burn 3,600 calories, so stay away from foods that would give you higher calories than that. While you are on your running regimen, cut down on coffee, alcohol, chocolates, fast foods, and junk foods. (That is actually true to a point.) There are many reasons why people engage themselves in running these days. Foremost of which is to stay in shape or to reach their ideal body weight. Studies show that the potent combination of correct diet and the right exercise is the most effective method in losing weight. We think that starting a running program is also just as simple. We simply start to run the next day, with resolve that we will do it regularly from now on. The resolve and the intention are decent. It is in the headlong rush that makes it fairly incorrect. It may even be downright dangerous. Look before you run If you think you can start out running five miles a day starting today is a good idea, there is something wrong in your personal decision-making policies. Stronger lungs Running makes your body more in need of oxygen, prompting your lungs to work harder by using 50% of otherwise unused lung potential. Running also increases the number of your capillaries, the tiny blood vessels through which blood passes to the lungs, and carries out respiratory functions more efficiently. Seven Psychological Benefits Of Running Running has been recommended by many doctors and therapists to people who are in the quest to improving their mental health. This is because running, like other exercises, unquestionably takes care of the mental health as efficiently as it does to one s physical well-being.
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