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Stuttering Myths and Facts

While you are at this stage, you must not feel very pressured to speak in a fluent manner. It doesn t matter at this point if you are fluent or not. What matters more is how you feel why you are speaking with others. As you try to find your voice and as you begin getting rid of initial nervousness, you will eventually learn to speak in more fluent terms. If you only get attacks of this condition and you want to learn how to control this speech defect, here are some tricks that you may want to look into. 1. You must find out what is causing the problem. You are feeling stressed out that is why you are fumbling with your words. Once you have pointed out what s causing the stress, you must then think of ways on how you can relax in such situation. Does the program ensure a practice of learning from the clinic to real-life situations? Sixth is the effort of the clinician to understand and link the frustration of the stutterer and his life experiences to be able to map how his patient will succeed in therapy and life in general. Seventh is the span of time the therapy process will take. Another sub-group involves the cognitive processes. Problems in this area lead to disfluent speech production. However, one theorist says most likely a person who stutter has cognitive abilities that are superior to their linguistic and speech motor abilities. Psychologically related factors cannot be eliminated in the sub-groupings of the causes stuttering. Essential Ideas about Stuttering in Children Every parent wants to catch the first words of their children. They are eagerly waiting for the time that their kids can finally talk and express what they want to say through words. It is only normal to feel a bit warned and problematic after learning that they are finding it hard to speak when they are already at the right age. It can get worse when the stutterer is faced with many stress factors or they are dealing with anxiety and nervousness. There are cases when people can sing without any hints that they have the condition and you will only notice such once they begin speaking in a conversational manner. Symptoms The known symptoms of this condition include extended pauses while delivering your message, creating long sounds in between words, repetition of words or certain parts of the words. 

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