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Homemade White Truffle Pasta

Although, it could lat for several days placed in a refrigerator, it should be ideally used as soon as possible. When storing truffles in the refrigerator, avoid keeping them in plastic containers because they need air. Keep them in paper bags. You could also place them inside jars and store them in the freezer. If you re fond of mushroom-filled dishes, you may have seen truffle mushroom quite a number of times on the restaurant menu. Yes, truffles are known all over the world not only as fungi, but also as an exquisite delicacy that s meant to be savored along with other gourmet dishes. You can tell that a mushroom is a truffle if it has a thick, rough, and wrinkled outer skin. Yes, you can even train your dog to sniff out truffles. You can start with making your canine friend retrieve a ball, then replace it with cheese. Once your dog learns to retrieve the cheese in exchange for a treat, hide the cheese and make the dog look for it. Finally, replace the cheese with a small truffle. Truffles are usually in a size of a walnut to a potato or apple. The world s biggest truffle was found in Italy on 2007, weighing 3.3 pounds. It was bought by billionaire Stanley Ho, when the truffle was put up for an auction in Macau. It was sold for a staggering $330,000. There are different varieties and may look different based of their kind. You can also place thin truffle slices under chicken skin before roasting. Spruce up your simple meals! Who says truffles are just for gourmet dishes? You can put slices of truffle over fondue, shavings of truffle over rice dishes, or sprinkles of truffle into wild mushroom sauce. You can even grate truffles and add them to scrambled eggs. We are often riddled with the question if truffles and fungi, in general, would have any nutritional value. In the early Eastern civilizations, mushrooms and fungi are not only considered as food, they are also noted for the medicinal value. Until now, there are cultures which would still use mushroom extracts as a component for soups and teas in order to boost the immune system. 

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