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KIDS TRY TRUFFLES! (Fungus) | Kids Vs. Food

Or even to those who think truffle smells like a combination of weird stuff or that of what a male pig gives off to sexually attract female pigs. Okay, that might make you cringe. But then, the fact that truffles elicit a sensual feeling cannot be dismissed outright. The incredible aphrodisiac powers of truffles have been felt not only by the ancient Greeks and the Romans, but also by modern-day gourmet chefs and connoisseurs. Instead, they live near the roots of certain trees in the wild. And since they grow underneath the ground, they cannot disperse spores on their own through air. They rather depend on animals that feed on them to spread their spores. What Do They Look Like? A truffle is not your typical mushroom that looks like an open umbrella. The mildly aromatic black summer truffle has a tannish white inner flesh and brownish black wrinkled outer skin. There is plenty of supply of this mushroom variety from June to November. Truffles grow close to the roots of trees such as oaks, hazelnut, chestnut, and red alder. Most of them are buried about 2 to 3 inches deep to the ground. Choose truffles that have dark exterior colors and white or light color in their exterior. They should also smell musky or earthy for white truffles and pungent for black truffles. If you can t smell anything or you smell something like ammonia, then look for other truffles. If you buy ripe or mature truffles, eat them as soon as you can. Soil quality - Truffles are abundant in warm and moist soils. You have better chances of locating truffles about a week or two after a heavy downpour. Animals - Rodents, chipmunks, and squirrels can be your road sign to finding a bunch of truffles. Rodents dig up for truffles, while squirrels and chipmunks help disperse spores of truffles. Tuber indicum has fine white veins and brown meat, while Tuber sinense has huge ivory veins and dark brown flesh. The latter type of Chinese truffle is oily and chewy and leaves a bitter taste to the tongue. Chinese truffles have recently become a staple in a number of restaurants in the United States. 

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