Runners who get to this state can keep running like a clock, with consistent pace and a great deal of efficiency. This concentration on breathing can also take his mind away from pain or soreness that may have developed at this stage and can cause him to quit the race. Deep breathing One other technique that can be used when running is deep breathing. Try to catch up with someone, or agree to meet with a fellow runner halfway through the run. Of course, you have to be willing to change your pace to encourage small talks. 7. Listen to music. Long distance running is a mental activity as much as it is a physical challenge, so you need to get motivated and inspired to keep your body moving. They can vary the courses (and terrain) they are running (jogging across the woods or the tracks), distance, speed and intensity (doing sprints in straight tracks and jogging in curves) among other things. Running with a friend (in twos or threes) can sometimes perk up an otherwise monotonous activity. Injuries For a beginner, plunging outright into a running routine can earn you a host of problems. This can include muscle aches and joint pains, shin splints, and maybe stress fractures. A better idea would be to start out low. You may first do a 1 or 2-mile run for three to four days a week. These runs can be interspersed with some brisk walking, if need be. And if you ve been running for a while, you most likely have experienced any of these common injuries: 1. Runner s knee Also referred to as iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), runner s knee is characterized by the tenderness of the iliotibial band (ITB), the connective tissue outside the thigh, and causes friction between the ITB and thigh bone. Only he would know for sure everything about you, your body, your health and the things that may be good or bad for you. After you get your doctor s permission, begin to implement your plan of losing weight through running gradually at first. For some, walking for a short period of time is a good start.
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