Redness and lumps in the shin may also develop. Treatment is centered around abating the pain, especially during the early stage when the pain is intolerable. It includes rest, massage, and cold therapy. Intake of NSAIDs is also advisable. 3. Achilles tendonitis Because it is no longer considered an inflammatory condition, Achilles tendonitis is now often called Achilles tendinopathy. GPS watches can monitor route and distance information, which can be downloaded and stored to track performance. They are a bit expensive, though. 7. Running belt. One of the important running gears, especially among distance runners, running belt carries important items such as phone, keys, camera, and energy bars and gels. Loss of motivation is triggered by many things, including boredom, muscle pains, and most of all, lack of time. Some other times in your running years you were probably attacked by lack of motivation. It starts out slow (skipping a run or two) and without your knowing it, gradually moves to a point where you notice you are not running regularly anymore. Runners who have tried them swear they are no different from those natural elements they meet in outdoor running. Still another use of the treadmill for runners is to use them to train for faster speeds, say, if you are angling to enter in your local 5K run. Begin by incorporating short sprint intervals in your treadmill running starting as short as 30seconds of your desired speed. After weeks of running, and after losing some amount of weight, you may find that your weight loss slows down. Sometime later, you will notice that your weight stays as is, unable to lose a single pound. One way to resolve this is to vary the distance, length or intensity of your running. You may increase the length to about 3 to 4 miles, or lengthening the time each day, or perhaps running at a faster pace. Combinations can be tweaked accordingly to suit the individual s needs. Runner s diets For instance, a distance runner preparing for a marathon may wish to increase the percentage of carbohydrates in his diet. This is during those periods of intense training where he covers long and grueling distances every week.
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