Women's self defense classes will teach you how to be aware of your surroundings so that you can see potential dangers before they happen. At the women's self defense class you will be instructed on be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to the safety of your children. Most attackers will not attack a whole family. The traditional methods of women's self defense are preferred, but when availability allows the use of unconventional weapons can come in handy. Unconventional weapons include every day items that you might have on your person that can ward of an attacker to protect yourself or your children. Woman's self defense experts state that the first thing an attacker wants from a lady is her purse. They have one desire and that is to take something that belongs to you. This item could be physical or emotional in nature. The attacker wants to do what he plans to do without being noticed or drawing attention. The interloper will do anything to keep his crime a secret and will wait until you are out of eye sight or out of ear shot of the general public before he will perpetrate his crime. Women's self defense classes are now training women how to recognize potential red flags which may lead them to be sexually assaulted. The woman needs to understand what rape means so that the can recognize the warning signs. A rape is a sexual assault against a woman's will and without her consent. The victim does not have to be threatened with a weapon or physically restrained. Women are being assaulted both in rural and urban areas so much women's self defense is becoming an interest to both law enforcement officials and women's advocate groups. Women need to know how to defend themselves and how to protect themselves from diverse situations that could cause harm or even death. The pain withdrawal reflex for this point causes the arm to straighten. You can easily put the attacker into an arm lock or pull the elbow down as you bring up your knee. This can be doubled up with a brain shake. Using two fingers bent like a fist, hit your attacker in the at an angle into the occipital nerve right at the temple.
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