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The Fall and Rise of the Prodigal Son || Leaders' Development || Pastor W.F Kumuyi

A more positive outlook and an inquisitive mind are what these programs encourage and they often result in leaders who know how to identify roots of problems and eliminate them at that level. There are, of course, several other reasons why you should join leadership development programs but these two are the primary ones. This is because they believe that the trainings that they give would be beneficial not only to their individual employees but for the betterment of the company in general. Leadership development is very important for a company because it helps the employees and its leaders to be updated on how to make the company stronger in terms of strengthening its human resources. If you are in the field of providing leadership development to companies and individuals, the best strategy that you can come up with is to include motivation in your activities and seminars. If you are able to motivate people to do things, it will be easier for them to discover their leadership skills on their own. People often say that they know enough about themselves but that is, most of the time, wrong. This is because most people like to think well of themselves they don't like to get into the nitty-gritty details of their personality. This is why self-reflection is often unpopular people would rather point out other people's faults than having their problematic traits pointed out to them. Having team leaders and project heads joining leadership development activities give the following benefits: a) A more experienced workforce The skills imparted to your supervisors and team leads give them a definite edge. It also boosts their confidence and helps them to contribute more to the company via their observations and plans. Then, you will be able to forgive yourself and start anew. If you just keep thinking of the past, this will serve as a reminder of your failure. And if you keep thinking about your defeat, you will undergo a never ending cycle of blaming yourself for the things that you did not really opted to do. - Have a dream and hold on to it. 

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