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Leadership Development

Although it is sometimes healthy to be competitive in terms of achieving goals, there would always be times when people will get tired of running after so many things because they don t want other people to finish before they do. More often than not, people who compare themselves with others are the ones who are left behind without anything because they spend too much time thinking how they could outlast the other person, thus, neglecting his or her own priorities. These days, one of the effective strategies that many people use is incorporating self-motivation in the activities that is related to leadership development. They believe that a good leader is somebody who can motivate him or herself no matter what the situation. Leadership development these days can be done in two settings: the individual setting and the collective setting. Try to set a goal for yourself that is both attainable and reasonable. Nothing discourages more than failing a plan. b) Have A Reason You probably have a reason for doing all of this. Remember that goals are not reasons; reasons are what drive you towards a goal and not the goal itself. It can be difficult to differentiate the two but it is important to know exactly why you want something; is it personal pride or something more. Leadership Development And Personal Competencies Today, there seems to be a clear movement in viewing leadership and leadership development not only in terms of leader attributes, skills and traits. Lately, competencies (or requirements) seem to be the center of focus. In other organizations, leadership competencies have even become the core dimension of leadership development activities. Along with proper performance support (coaching, mentoring, training, action learning, etc.) candidates are immersed with real issues, not lectures. This is in line with the ultimate goal of leadership development which necessitates action rather than just knowledge. Learning from work One of today s development methods provides candidates with opportunities to learn from their present work rather than taking them out of the workplace (and presumably herded to a stolid classroom) to learn. Leadership Development: What It Means For You Being an efficient leader takes more than natural talent. Some people think that being a leader is all about giving orders. That is a very incorrect assumption. Being a leader is about taking command and being an inspiration. Issuing orders alone is not going to cut it the orders have to be correct and logical and they have to be given in a manner that it encourages the work to be done. 

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