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Leadership: Roselinde Torres on creating a successful leadership-development process

Having team leaders and project heads joining leadership development activities give the following benefits: a) A more experienced workforce The skills imparted to your supervisors and team leads give them a definite edge. It also boosts their confidence and helps them to contribute more to the company via their observations and plans. Although there is still the serious and formal aspect of it, many people who conduct it are incorporating other means to motivate the participants to actively join the sessions. Some of the trends in leadership development these days include action learning which uses movements in teaching leadership values. Start by thinking about what type of person you are how do you view problems and how do you deal with them? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do a simple tally of what you think are your positive and negative attributes. Next, move on to your skills ask yourself what are you really capable of; how good are you at dealing with people? Empathetic leadership leads to better understanding between management and the employees. This better helps to facilitate smooth working relationships and enables the easy resolution of any problems that may come up. Empathy training is a large part of any leadership development course, mostly because management sometimes loses focus on the viewpoint from the bottom of an organization. Since many clients prefer non-traditional leadership development, you must know how to develop strategies to ensure that they will be satisfied with the outcome. Today, one of the most common and effective approaches that are being used in leadership development is incorporating the concept of self-motivation. Experts say that for one to develop a positive outlook in life, he or she must be able to keep a positive attitude first. Once positive attitude is set, it is easier to look things in an orderly way. For one to develop positive attitude, he or she must undergo self-reassessment to find out what are his or her strengths as well as the weaknesses. 

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