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Amanda Connelly: Lockheed Martin Leadership Development Rotational Program

Start by thinking about what type of person you are how do you view problems and how do you deal with them? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do a simple tally of what you think are your positive and negative attributes. Next, move on to your skills ask yourself what are you really capable of; how good are you at dealing with people? Aside from enhancing the leadership skills of people, leadership development also serves as a way for people to reflect on their own sets of values towards work and their co-workers in general. It also paves the way for people to be inspired and motivated at all times despite challenging times and without depending so much on others. Most companies know that investing a lot of time and money into a potential leader can be very beneficial This is because talent always pays off in the end. Be sure to be take these lessons into mind and be open to them. Future promotions may hinge on them. Another thing to expect from a company's leadership development program is added work. You must make that potential leader understand that if he or she knows how to self-motivate, it will be easier for them to accomplish greater things for themselves and for the people that matter to them in the future. Experts agree that for one to be a great leader self-motivation is very essential. This is because knowing how to motivate oneself would help a person deal with challenges that would come along the way. A plan is like a map and if you don't know your destination, then you'll probably end up getting lost on the way. The question is is what should your goals be? Try to choose a goal for your professional life how you want to end up and where do you want to be in a given amount of time. Try to set a goal for yourself that is both attainable and reasonable. If a leader continues learning through reading or by trying different things, he or she can gain more confidence to do things and start with new projects. - always have a positive outlook in life. This might some easy for some but many leaders are in fact having a hard time developing and maintaining a positive outlook in life especially when dealing with work. 

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