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Proper Leadership Training

Leaders are usually burdened by negative thoughts and feelings. Because of these, they are easily swayed and would eventually commit mistakes. During leadership development training, you can help your participants to develop positive thinking by telling them that it is not healthy to dwell on things that are beyond their control. Stupid reasons give you stupid goals; reevaluate what goals you have after you've determined what's driving you towards them. c)Assess Yourself And Identify What You Need To Change Take a long hard look at yourself. What are your personality traits? What skills do you have? What personal weaknesses do you have? Competencies Recently, a 2002 study found that leading-edge companies define leadership by a set of competencies. These are now used to guide leadership development at all levels. By the same token, a majority of organizations have, on their own, identified and defined the characteristics and qualities of successful leaders. This is in line with the ultimate goal of leadership development which necessitates action rather than just knowledge. Learning from work One of today s development methods provides candidates with opportunities to learn from their present work rather than taking them out of the workplace (and presumably herded to a stolid classroom) to learn. Leadership competencies First, leadership competencies (requirements) will still matter. However, they will change as the competitive environment changes. A study indicates five critical forces will shape leadership in the future: 1) global competition, 2) information technology, 3) the need for rapid and flexible groups, 4) teams, and 5) differing employee needs. For one to develop positive attitude, he or she must undergo self-reassessment to find out what are his or her strengths as well as the weaknesses. Once all of these have been identified, it will be easier to turn the bad ones into good ones and there would also be greater chances of making the positive ones better. 

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