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When motivation to accomplish a certain goal has diminished, it would be easier for a leader or a potential leader to just give up and live a remorseful life filled with negative things. Today, more and more people who conduct leadership development try to incorporate motivating the participants because this is one of the keys in helping people get rid of negative emotions. It would be best if you can encourage that leader to use self-motivation to excel and achieve success and don t be contented with what they have right now. Make them understand that it is best to always be hungry for knowledge so their desire to learn will be fueled. If they are able to learn new things, there are greater chances for them to acquire new skills that would help them boost their self-confidence later on. Time and money investment To cut to the chase, running leadership development programs is expensive both in money and time. CEOs, however, think that this is the single best investment they make in their company. Many companies claim they are all interested in developing leaders. Today, most of the companies evaluate their own executives partly on how they develop people. Leadership personality One can imagine that the person who has the greatest success, heading the largest organization or corporation is the one that makes the best leader. It is possible. On the other end of the pole, could a person with a little drive or entrepreneurial skills end up being a leader? In the future, it is likely that leadership development investments will be a priority of organizations committed to this end. However, plans are afoot to maximize ROI for leadership development efforts by way of effective planning, implementation and evaluation. New thinking Some time from now, the thinking would be that leadership and leadership development are going to be inherently collaborative, social and relational processes. You need to sit down and have a moment for self-reflection. Get a pencil and paper and draw up a list of your skills and personality traits. You should try to include both good and bad traits so that you can have a complete picture of yourself. Next, look at your goals and your list and see what can help or hinder you. 

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