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Eternal Reward and Recompense for the Faithful and Unfaithful | Leaders' Development | Ps W.F Kumuyi

It should be designed in way that integrates a range of developmental experiences over a given period of time. The program should also include monitoring scheme and gathering of feedback. In making leadership development training effective, it should also combine experiential classroom style programs and business school style coursework. It would be best if you can encourage that leader to use self-motivation to excel and achieve success and don t be contented with what they have right now. Make them understand that it is best to always be hungry for knowledge so their desire to learn will be fueled. If they are able to learn new things, there are greater chances for them to acquire new skills that would help them boost their self-confidence later on. Leadership development may sound like the latest business buzzword but it's actually been around a long time. Training people to become good leaders has been part of military training, as seen in the officer candidate programs often found in most modern armies. Creating a good operational hierarchy has always been an effective tool of businesses in the past centuries this is often assured by training the heirs of the business early. Aside from developing individual leadership, there is another method of getting the best out of a leader and that is through the help of other people. Unlike in individual leadership development that focuses on specific attributes of a leader such as behavior, ways of thinking, or feeling, the collective leadership development focuses on the development of leadership as a process. Would you be able to do your subordinate's job in a pinch? 2) What Are You Going To Do About It? - By this time, you should know exactly what you're capable of and your limitations. This is where you need to get planning. Look at your negative traits how can you offset or eliminate them? Are they really negative traits for your job? e) Cultivates New Innovations Effective leaders encourage a culture that develops talent. This is because good leaders recognize that they cannot see everything and do everything. Their team members have to do their part. An open environment that encourages feedback and independent thinking is exactly the right sort of place for future innovations and prospective leaders to shine. 

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